Let The List Of Low-Carb Doctors Begin

I’ve been dreaming of doing something quite ambitious ever since I found out that there are actually physicians out there willing to use a healthy low-carb nutritional approach to assist their patients with losing weight and vastly improving their diseases. And this new web site is going to see that dream come to reality since I have been unable to find anything like it on the Internet.

What I want to do here is begin compiling a list of all the low-carb doctors across the United States and around the world so that people who want to learn more about this miraculous way of eating and how it can change their life like it did for me and so many more can find a friendly, caring physician ready to help them do it the right way. Too often we are left to our own devices without any medical assistance when we start on a diet. Use this resource to find doctors who will SUPPORT you, not BLAME you for your obesity and disease.

For the purposes of this resource, I am defining “low-carb” as anything that is 100 grams or less daily, which includes most of the popular low and lower-carb plans such as The Zone, South Beach, Atkins, Protein Power, and the like. Some of these diets the doctors on this list embrace are ketogenic low-carb diets, but some are not. The point of this listing is to help you identify those who are not opposed to cutting down on your carbohydrate intake–controlling your carbs–for the purposes of reducing your weight and improving your health. We all have individualized needs towards those purposes, so the doctors on this list are aware of the customized plan that will work for you.

Especially if you are diabetic or have some sort of condition that requires you to take prescription medications (like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc.), you will want to find a low-carb doctor who will educate you and monitor your progress by keeping your drug intake at the proper level. Don’t be surprised when you are able to get off of all of your medications for good. WOO HOO! It’s coming!!!

If you know a good low-carb doctor who does not currently appear on my list of low-carb doctors, then please e-mail me the information so I can add him or her immediately. I want this to be the most comprehensive low-carb doctor list anywhere, so THANK YOU for your assistance.

When you contact one of these physicians in your area, be sure to tell them you heard about them from this blog. They need our support and should be applauded for being willing to use a nutritional method for treating obesity and disease that goes against what they were taught in medical school and from what is widely used by their peers. These are some of the real heroes of livin’ la vida low-carb in my book.

42 thoughts on “Let The List Of Low-Carb Doctors Begin”

  1. What a great idea Jimmy!

    I’ve been lowering my carbs for the past year but this month I decided to get serious and picked up protein power life plan + Slow Burn. Knowing there is an MD in Hershey PA is a great benefit! My dr. said he was not opposed to using a low carb approach to maintaining weight, does that count, should I post him?

  2. I like your idea of this website. I’d like to find a low-carb-friendly doctor, but I have the additional requirement that he or she NOT be a statin pusher.

    I’m in Lancaster, California, up in the high desert above Los Angeles.

  3. THANKS Pam! That’s certainly something you can ask the doctors on this list. I can tell you the vast majority of them are NOT supporters of statin drugs. You may get a few, but most think the healthy low-carb lifestyle is best for controlling lipids.

  4. Jimmy, I know you’ve already got a lot on your plate, but I think it would be great to list nutritionists and other professionals here as well. Like Esther Blum, for example! Just an idea.

  5. "Don't be surprised when you are able to get off of all of your medications for good."

    That sounds very good!

    But then what will we need any doctors for? Seriously.

    (In the past, I would have said we still need doctors to order lab tests, but more and more home medical tests are now available.)

  6. They can do what they were MEANT to do all along…be consultants on our health and nothing more. Too many doctors seem to be more concerned about appeasing special interests like pharmaceutical companies than to actually see their patients get better.

  7. Don't forget the District of Columbia. It would be great to find some low-carb doctors in the nation's capital!

  8. I'm so happy someone created this list, as I'm now at a point in life faced with hypothyroidism. I can finally go to a physician where the first thing they criticize isn't my diet. Without that negative bias, they can have a clearer awareness of what's really happening.

  9. Greetings to Everyone!
    I have a friend in Dallas TX who needs a low carb doctor.
    I'm currently on this list of doctors here but live in California.
    Does anyone know a doctor in the Dallas area who would treat him with a low carb ketogenic plan?
    Thank you immensely.
    Dr. John Mitchell

  10. Jimmy!

    Look at you! Once again, you have done a terrific thing. This list will significantly help many, many people. Thanks for sharing.

    Sean Preuss

  11. As I receive listings for doctors in non-US countries, I'm happy to add them here. I'm not aware of any other lists for international physicians.

  12. Hey Peter! I know there's Dr. John Briffa and a couple of others, but I'm not privy to any others who have contacted me to add them to this list. Sorry buddy! Let me know if you find one.

  13. Thank you for doing this important work, Jimmy. Gary Taubes recommended your site, not realizing that I live in Israel. Please post when you find out about a low-carb doc in Israel. (Jerusalem or Gush Etzion would be perfect; but because the country is as big as a hangnail, anywhere will do.

  14. Hey, Jimmy. Thanks for putting together this list. I'm a bit annoyed (but not surprised) that you have no listings in Alaska. So you I'm wondering how do you go about finding doctors to add to your list? Do you just wait for people to make recommendations or do you proactively contact doctors and ask them if they support low-carb? If you're proactive about it, perhaps your readers (incl. me) would be willing/able to help. If that's the case, please write a post describing your methods of finding these doctors and how readers can help. A sample letter or something might be helpful so we can collect the information you need without poorly representing you.

  15. Trust me, I'm CONSTANTLY looking for new doctors to add to this list. Many of my readers have shared people they have found and many of these doctors have contacted me directly. It's a subjective thing determining who qualifies for this list, but as long as they are friendly towards someone wanting to go on a low-carb diet as a treatment option for obesity and disease. That's it. Feel free to pass along the information about anyone who fits this description to livinlowcarbman@charter.net. THANK YOU!

  16. I was distractedly scrolling through your list of US doctors when I became pleasantly surprised to see Singapore on the list!! 🙂

  17. This is great… Is there a way to search this list by location/city, or do we have to read through ALL entries to find doctors in our area?

  18. Hey Sarah! You can use the search box in the upper right-hand corner to look by city or you can look along the right-hand side to see the listing by state. Thanks for visiting!

  19. Hi Jimmy, wondered if you've got anywhere with low carb doctors in the UK. We are in touch with Dr John Briffa (he's great) but don't think he is a practising GP. All we have come across is a low carb dental hygenist. I'm sure I see posts from UK GP's that follow it themselves and seem to support it. But nothing formal. Keep hunting for us, and keep up the good work. ywhyda

  20. Thanks Trekkiemaiden, I have international listings when I know about them in the lower right-hand side. If you hear of more in the UK, I'm all ears.

  21. I'm a doctorate prepared nurse practitioner in North central Florida. I recommend the low carb/ketogenic lifestyle to my patients. I would love to let people know I'm available for consultation.

  22. I am looking for a low carb doctor in Calgary Alberta Canada. Can anyone help me out?

  23. Is there any chance of a low carb/ keto friendly dr in Billings, Montana? They are the hub for Montana medical needs, but I can't find one who understands lowcarb & diabetes. Any help for me??

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