Dr. R. Paul St. Amand, M.D.
Endocrinologist (specializing in fibromyalgia)
Fibromyalgia Treatment Center
4560 Admiralty Way, Suite 355
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
(310) 577-7510
E-mail Dr. St. Amand
Connecting you with health practitioners that support a ketogenic lifestyle
Dr. R. Paul St. Amand, M.D.
Endocrinologist (specializing in fibromyalgia)
Fibromyalgia Treatment Center
4560 Admiralty Way, Suite 355
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
(310) 577-7510
E-mail Dr. St. Amand
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I am writing to you from the Pacific Northwest Foundation about a case study that may be of interest to your concerns regarding fibromyalgia. While this was not a study undertaken by the Foundation, it was a case with which we have had access to in virtually every detail. This includes the chart notes (with the patient's approval) as well as the observations and insights of the patient's health care provider.
The case involves an adult female who had been disabled for eight years with diagnosed fibromyalgia. Within four months of treatment, she was able to backpack, regularly work a full day and have little or no pain.
As with all our studies, it is our hope to stimulate additional efforts to determine if these results were an aberration or have wider implications. To this end, we wanted to make you aware of the cast study (which can be found online at, in the hope that it might prove useful as a starting point for research within your organization.
Thanks and kind regards,
Frank Cook
Pacific Northwest Foundation