2 thoughts on “Dr. C. John Baumgartner–Edina, MN”

  1. After a quick review of the website of Medical Weight Center (http://www.medicalweightcenter.com/pages/Home/) and pubmed for any articles Mr. Baumgarnter has written, it would seem that he is not a low-carb doctor. The published recipes on his website (http://www.medicalweightcenter.com/pages/OurRecipes/) were instead low-fat (around 15-20% of calories from fat, if the numbers could actually be reconciled correctly, which sometimes they could not), and the only article I could find attributed to him related to obesity was one about a fiber bar. Another point of note is this statement on the FAQs of his website:

    “Why not design a low-calorie whole foods diet?

    With self-prepared foods, it is not possible to achieve a balanced 800-calorie diet that meets nutritional requirements.“

    Seems like a calorie-restricted diet to me, not a low-carb diet. As this website may not tell the whole story and I haven`t talked to him myself, I and your readers would benefit from an clarification as to why he is included as a low-carb doctor.

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