6 thoughts on “Dr. Ted Naiman–Issaquah, WA”

  1. Dr. Naiman put me on a low-carbohydrate diet in 2005, and I have lost 87 pounds so far (slowly, but consistently, at a rate of 15-20 pounds per year). I have him to thank for reversing my type II diabetes.

  2. Dr. Naiman is a wonderful doctor, and embracing and treating his patients with a low carb diet and not following the typical medicate first type of practice. Dr. Rosedale a renowned metabolic specialist visited with Dr. Naiman and was very pleased with his practice of diet first.

  3. Dr. Naiman introduced me to LCHF about 6 months ago. Since then my HDL has nearly doubled, my trigs are down 70% and I've lost 55lbs and still going. He's responsive on email and honest when he doesn't know an answer which is really refreshing. I had asthma and Dr. Naiman told me flat out that there was nothing more he could do for me and that I should go see a specialist. This proved to be very good thing. I highly respect and appreciate Dr. Naiman.

  4. Dr. Naiman recommended a LCHF diet for me about 3 years ago. I had Metabolic Syndrome with Insulin Resistance, and was 265 pounds. The first 2 years I followed his recommendations and lost 80 pounds, reduced belly fat, and my pant size by 6 inches. My metabolic markers were also where they need to be. Last year I started following a ketogenic diet; also recommended by Dr. Naiman. I am now beginning to incorporate Intermittent Fasting. I have been experimenting with IF for the past few days and I'm feeling comfortable. I often refer to Jimmy's Moore's book, Keto Clarity, along with many other resources on Dr. Naiman's burnfatnotsugar.com website. Thank you Dr. Naiman for helping me get on the right track. You are an awesome doctor who truly cares about your patients!

  5. After my last doctor told me to drink some chocolate milk for low energy I decided to call Dr. Naiman. I had heard him give a speech from Jimmy's podcast that featured the Low Carb Cruise and was impressed. It was awesome to talk to Dr. Naiman, knowing he understood a low carb approach. I knew I was "off the rails" a bit from 8 weeks of travel – and my labs confirmed it. Dr. Naiman got back to me via the medical center/patient website later the same day with my lab results and suggested some simple steps to take. Probably my best "first Dr. visit" that I can recall.

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